I’ve wanted to go further down the low poly trail and see if I could get some help in learning the ropes, while still fumbling about in Blender. It’s not that I don’t love all my Synty Store assets. It’s more that I find myself limited to what I already have and know… and I really don’t like limitations.
That said I know one hard limit – 24 hours per day – that I need to accept up front and while I’m still learning to model, rig and animate my own characters I still could not fully accept having to use some standard characters from Synty to represent me and the kids here on the site.
Alex Lenk (see https://alexlenk.com/) has an asset that filled this gap nicely – the Advanced People Pack 2 (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/humans/advanced-people-pack-2-170756).

Not only was it very easy to convert to URP, to modify and save us as separate prefabs, but the tutorials and documentation also make it fairly easy to add new clothes and animations (from Mixamo). The characters also support emotions (smile, frown, sad face) and I’m curious about options to expand on that as well as how I’ll be able to use Linkira Studios Character Enhancement Toolkit for Polygon Packs (yes I know, I’m a Synty fan…).